Durable Fabric Designed to ResistWear and Dirt

ltalian Minimalism, Waterproof &Stain-Resistant Excelence

Stylish Minimalism Meets PlushLuxurious Comfort
Hyprim Chief Designer--Marco
Internationally renowned design masterMarco studied under Cappellini, one of ltaly's top names in homefurnishings, and has explored various fields such as architecture andhome design. His expertise offers unique insights into both home andlifestyle aesthetics.
Marco firmly believes that "to create amazing works, one must makeunremitting efforts." Over the years, he has led a design team that drawsinspiration from history, geography, culture, and humanity.
By blending pure ltalian original design with mordern elements, hecontinues to pioneer and explore new trends in modern home design.Learn more about Marco's design philosophy and unique approach toblending ltalian original design with modern elements.